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2022 CanWest Games - Fantasy Fitnessing

2022 CanWest Games

July 15th - 18th, 2022

Final Results - Women

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# Name Total Points

Final Results - Men

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# Name Total Points

Event 1 - Steel Toe Boots

Rope Climb
Run Out and Back*
Barbell Snatch
Mens :205-215-225-235-245
Womens : 135-145-155-165-175
*Run loop performed once each round
#Women  #Men 
1Gabrielle Spenst11:04.0 1Chandler Smith08:27.0
2Hattie Kanyo11:51.0 2James Sprague08:41.0
3Dana Paran12:43.0 3Matt Brady08:59.0
4Jessi Smith12:44.0 3Adam Davidson08:59.0
5Hanna Mrochuk12:48.0 5Leonel Franco09:11.0
6Anikha Greer12:55.0 6Jack Farlow09:36.0
7Amy Hosking13:24.0 7Mitchel Stevenson10:15.0
8Megan Sears13:41.0 8Logan Ewing10:33.0
9Rosalie Bélanger14:48.0 9Nick Thomas10:41.0
10Karisa Stapp15:08.0 10Joshua Hong10:47.0
11Alison Scudds15:12.0 11Brandon Bufton11:19.0
12Vivian Liu16:16.0 12Nick Tunzi11:20.0
13Ava Georg16:36.0 13David Ruckman13:09.0
14Kendra DuttonCAP + 37 14Austin Evans15:15.0
14Maddison DraderCAP + 37 15Adrian Toderan15:59.0
16Daisy HartCAP + 33 16Isaac Mclean16:05.0
16Alex MuellerCAP + 33 17Shane MckayCAP + 37
16Melissa GolchukCAP + 33 ---
16Gracie StrachanCAP + 33 ---
20Megan PerdewCAP + 26 ---
21Grace LochnerCAP + 24 ---
21Tori FiisselCAP + 24 ---

Event 2 - Sell Your Soul Cycle

2-2-2-3 Minutes on / 1:00 off to Complete
30/22 Cal Bike Erg
Dumbell Snatch
12@100/70 - 24@80/60 - 36@70/50
#Women  #Men 
1Gabrielle Spenst07:44.0 1Chandler Smith07:30.0
2Amy Hosking07:52.0 2James Sprague07:31.0
3Gracie Strachan07:55.0 3Mitchel Stevenson07:48.0
4Melissa Golchuk08:01.0 4Jack Farlow07:50.0
5Alison Scudds10:33.0 5Matt Brady10:16.0
6Maddison Drader10:35.0 6Adam Davidson10:35.0
7Anikha Greer10:42.0 7David Ruckman10:36.0
8Alex Mueller10:54.0 8Logan Ewing10:37.0
9Hattie Kanyo10:58.0 9Joshua Hong10:39.0
10Karisa Stapp11:02.0 10Leonel Franco10:51.0
11Jessi Smith11:05.0 11Adrian Toderan10:54.0
12Hanna Mrochuk11:13.0 12Brandon Bufton10:55.0
13Dana Paran11:23.0 13Nick Tunzi10:56.0
14Rosalie Bélanger11:25.0 14Nick Thomas10:59.0
15Ava Georg11:29.0 15Isaac Mclean11:04.0
16Grace Lochner11:31.0 16Austin Evans11:26.0
17Vivian Liu11:45.0 17Shane Mckay11:40.0
18Megan SearsCAP + 152 ---
19Kendra DuttonCAP + 150 ---
20Megan PerdewCAP + 149 ---
21Tori FiisselCAP + 144 ---
22Daisy HartCAP + 110 ---

Event 3 - The Bends

For Time
50/35 Cal Row
100 Double Unders
50 CTB Pull Ups
100 Double Unders
50/35 Cal Row
*8 min Cap
#Women  #Men 
1Anikha Greer07:09.0 1James Sprague06:41.0
2Hattie Kanyo07:19.0 2Leonel Franco07:05.0
3Karisa Stapp07:35.0 3Mitchel Stevenson07:18.0
4Alison Scudds07:41.0 4Jack Farlow07:21.0
5Grace Lochner07:47.0 5Chandler Smith07:30.0
6Amy Hosking07:55.0 6Logan Ewing07:33.0
7Jessi SmithCAP + 319 7Matt Brady07:37.0
8Maddison DraderCAP + 316 8Joshua Hong07:42.0
8Gracie StrachanCAP + 316 9Austin Evans07:52.0
10Kendra DuttonCAP + 314 9Isaac Mclean07:52.0
11Hanna MrochukCAP + 310 11Adrian ToderanCAP + 347
11Gabrielle SpenstCAP + 310 12David RuckmanCAP + 346
13Alex MuellerCAP + 308 13Adam DavidsonCAP + 343
14Tori FiisselCAP + 307 14Nick ThomasCAP + 342
15Dana ParanCAP + 304 15Shane MckayCAP + 340
16Megan SearsCAP + 303 16Brandon BuftonCAP + 332
17Melissa GolchukCAP + 302 17Nick TunziCAP + 328
18Ava GeorgCAP + 300 ---
19Daisy HartCAP + 293 ---
20Megan PerdewCAP + 287 ---
21Rosalie BélangerCAP + 266 ---
22Vivian LiuCAP + 179 ---

Event 4 - HWPO Selection

3 Hang Clean
3 Front Squat
3 Shoulder to Overhead
Min 0-3: 185/135
Min 3-6: 195/145
Min 6-9: 205/155
Min 9-12: 215/165
Min 12-15:225/175
Min 16: 235/185
Min 17: 245/195
Min 18: 255/205
*Weight starts 185/135 and every 3 minutes athletes will add 10lbs, until the final 3 minutes when weight changes every minute until there is one athlete standing.
#Women  #Men 
1Anikha Greer2510 lbs 1Jack Farlow5560 lbs
2Dana Paran2325 lbs 2Chandler Smith5550 lbs
3Gracie Strachan1975 lbs 3Mitchel Stevenson5545 lbs
4Rosalie Bélanger1800 lbs 4Leonel Franco4025 lbs
4Amy Hosking1800 lbs 4Adam Davidson4025 lbs
4Karisa Stapp1800 lbs 6James Sprague3545 lbs
4Jessi Smith1800 lbs 7Nick Thomas3310 lbs
8Gabrielle Spenst1635 lbs 8Joshua Hong3075 lbs
8Hattie Kanyo1635 lbs 8Brandon Bufton3075 lbs
10Hanna Mrochuk1470 lbs 10Nick Tunzi2850 lbs
11Alison Scudds1305 lbs 11Matt Brady2625 lbs
11Vivian Liu1305 lbs 12Logan Ewing2400 lbs
11Ava Georg1305 lbs 13Austin Evans2185 lbs
11Maddison Drader1305 lbs 14Shane Mckay1970 lbs
15Megan Sears1150 lbs 14Isaac Mclean1970 lbs
15Grace Lochner1150 lbs 16David Ruckman1755 lbs
17Melissa Golchuk995 lbs 16Adrian Toderan1755 lbs
18Tori Fiissel840 lbs ---
18Alex Mueller840 lbs ---
18Kendra Dutton840 lbs ---
21Daisy Hart405 lbs ---
21Megan Perdew405 lbs ---

Event 5 - In The Trenches

For Time
24 Box Jump Over 30in
12 Burpee Bar MUs
24 Strict HS Pus
200 foot Torque sled push
24 Strict HS Pus
12 Burpee Bar MUs
24 Box Jump Over 30in
10 Sandbag over the shoulder 200/150
15 Minute Time Cap
#Women  #Men 
1Hattie Kanyo12:00.0 1Mitchel Stevenson09:49.0
2Anikha Greer12:18.0 2Joshua Hong10:03.0
3Alison Scudds12:57.0 3Chandler Smith10:26.0
4Gabrielle Spenst13:14.0 4James Sprague10:55.0
5Amy Hosking13:18.0 5Leonel Franco11:06.0
6Hanna Mrochuk13:28.0 6Nick Tunzi11:21.0
7Megan Perdew14:11.0 7Adam Davidson11:26.0
8Vivian Liu14:26.0 8Nick Thomas11:51.0
9Karisa Stapp14:32.0 9Logan Ewing11:58.0
10Maddison Drader14:38.0 10Jack Farlow12:04.0
11Dana ParanCAP + 132 11Shane Mckay13:02.0
11Jessi SmithCAP + 132 12Austin Evans13:23.0
13Rosalie BélangerCAP + 129 13David Ruckman13:59.0
13Tori FiisselCAP + 129 14Matt Brady14:14.0
15Daisy HartCAP + 128 15Brandon Bufton14:54.0
15Gracie StrachanCAP + 128 16Adrian ToderanCAP + 122
17Megan SearsCAP + 124 17Isaac McleanCAP + 86
18Kendra DuttonCAP + 123 ---
19Alex MuellerCAP + 115 ---
20Grace LochnerCAP + 104 ---
21Melissa GolchukCAP + 93 ---
21Ava GeorgCAP + 93 ---

Event 6 - Punch The Clock

For Time
Axle Bar Thruster 115/75
50ft HS walk
25 ft OH Axle Bar Lunge to finish @ 185/135
12 min Time Cap
*Athlete loads their own bar for lunge
Lunge and HS walk must be unbroken
#Women  #Men 
1Anikha Greer04:33.0 1Jack Farlow04:42.0
2Hattie Kanyo05:06.0 2Mitchel Stevenson05:07.0
3Hanna Mrochuk05:18.0 3Chandler Smith05:26.0
4Alison Scudds05:27.0 3James Sprague05:26.0
5Karisa Stapp05:30.0 5Leonel Franco05:50.0
6Daisy Hart05:36.0 6Adam Davidson06:01.0
7Megan Sears05:41.0 7Nick Thomas06:13.0
8Kendra Dutton05:53.0 8Matt Brady06:25.0
9Dana Paran06:00.0 9Logan Ewing06:43.0
10Vivian Liu06:02.0 10Isaac Mclean06:56.0
11Tori Fiissel06:08.0 10Austin Evans06:56.0
12Rosalie Bélanger06:13.0 12Nick Tunzi06:57.0
13Maddison Drader06:30.0 13Brandon Bufton07:25.0
14Jessi Smith06:44.0 14David Ruckman08:04.0
15Gabrielle Spenst07:10.0 15Joshua Hong08:39.0
16Ava Georg07:13.0 16Adrian Toderan11:40.0
17Amy Hosking07:14.0 17Shane Mckay12:00.0
18Gracie Strachan08:00.0 ---
19Alex Mueller08:31.0 ---
20Grace Lochner08:32.0 ---
20Megan Perdew08:32.0 ---
22Melissa Golchuk10:15.0 ---

CanWest Delays Payouts Indefinitely

Morning Chalk Up wrote an article covering how the payouts have been handled since the CanWest competition finished in July. Athletes are still unpaid. This was the first time for the new owners to run the event and the future is looking unsure.

Source Created On October 04, 2022 8:18AM PDT

The following is a breakdown of the number of movements in each category programmed in the 2022 CanWest Games. If a movement appears in multiple events, it is counted twice


Gymnastics Movements
Box Jump OversIn The Trenches
Burpee Bar Muscle UpIn The Trenches
Chest To Bar Pull UpsThe Bends
Handstand Push UpIn The Trenches
Handstand WalkPunch The Clock
Rope ClimbsSteel Toe Boots
Monostructural Movements
Bike ErgSell Your Soul Cycle
Double UndersThe Bends
RowThe Bends
RunningSteel Toe Boots
Weightlifting Movements
CleanIn The Trenches
ComplexHWPO Selection
LungePunch The Clock
SnatchSteel Toe Boots
SnatchSell Your Soul Cycle
ThrusterPunch The Clock
Torque Sled PushIn The Trenches
Single Movement1
Pyramid Chipper1
Time DomainCount
5 to 10 minutes3
10 to 20 minutes2
Max Lift1